
  1. Accessible Community Spaces and good communication.

There are lots of groups, organisations and individuals doing great work in the Colwyn Bay area but sometimes this is in isolation. People have suggested there could be better tools for people to communicate and come together and to find out what’s going on locally.

As well as the T4CB website and facebook page, the idea of a community hub has been mooted as a means of providing space for all sections of the community to access space for meetings, advice, training or events, or just to drop in for a cuppa and a chat. Over the next few months we’ll be asking if Colwyn Bay needs a community hub, and if so what it would look like and how would it run?

2. Arts Promotion

T4CB aims to increase the opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to have access to the arts both as performers and audiences.

There’s lots of groups and activities in the Colwyn Bay including live music, photography, crafting, creative writing, dance, comedy and theatre.

3. Green spaces and a healthy environment

that celebrate the environment and help to maintain it. T4CB aims to promote the use of our green spaces and ensure the widest access to, and enjoyment of them.

We are blessed with wonderful outdoor spaces, parkland, woodland, beach and promenade in this area and  there are groups (such as Friends of Eirias Park) and events (such as Colwyn in Bloom)

4. Improve education and job opportunities

This will benefit not only them but the local economy as well. T4CB has an important role to play in connecting individuals and agencies, to support training schemes and maximise opportunities

There is some great work being done by the local authority, third sector and local businesses to provide training opportunities and help people to develop their employability skills and return to paid employment.

5. Projects addressing well being, isolation and loneliness

The activities we promote and the work we do will aim to reach out to people of all ages and backgrounds and present opportunities for everyone to be involved and not left behind.

One of the basic principles of T4CB is that the community belongs to everyone, and everyone can contribute to and benefit from a vibrant, healthy and inclusive Colwyn Bay.