WHAT it is…

For you.


A group that supports community development in central Colwyn Bay with investment in events, facilities, young people, community initiatives, communication and more…

by you.


We focus on upskilling residents to deliver their own initiatives, rather than consulting, creating and delivering projects to be ‘handed down’ to the community from ‘above’.

focusing on strengths…


We are a project that recognises and embraces the strengths, skills, energies and knowhow of local people. What makes Colwyn Bay unique? What are the particular interests of residents here?

… and in it for the long run


Together For Colwyn Bay is taking place over 10 years; aiming for an impact reaching well beyond the funding life of the project.

How it works

We work together…


Together for Colwyn Bay is basically a steering group of local residents who decide together how project funding is spent.

Ideas come from the steering group themselves, from other members of the community, or from community development officers. They are proposed and scrutinised, and go ahead if the group is happy.

…To themes set out through consultation.


Projects must address issues and themes raised by the wider community during consultation. To do this we have devised a plan based on a large consultation with Glyn Ward Residents undertaken in 2019.

We also keep up to date with community issues through our network of contacts, through social media, and a regular in-person presence at Colwyn Bay Artisan Market.

Okay.. sounds great.

What does all this look like in reality?